I have a confession to make – I absolutely hate being stuck somewhere with nothing to do. So, over the years, I have learned to always have a knitting or crochet project with me, just in case.  One day, we were at the barber shop for a haircut for my son. While he was getting his haircut, I pulled my current “purse project” out and started knitting away. Mr. Tony, the barber, looked up and asked what I was working on. Before I could answer, my then 7-year old son proudly answers, “a boob!” Mr. Tony looked over with a shocked expression that said, “did I hear what I think I heard?” Before I could explain, my son announced that I was making “fake boobs for ladies who have cancer.” I was equal parts proud and mortified!

Knitted Knockers?

So, what are these “boobs” my son knows so much about?  Prosthetic breasts made for cancer survivors through a charity called Knitted Knockers. Based in Bellingham, Washington, they have groups of volunteer knitters and crocheters around the world making the knockers. Don’t be fooled by the name, there are patterns for both knitted and crocheted knockers. 

I originally heard about them through an article in the BBC highlighting the organization. What really caught my attention was how they help breast cancer survivors find a more comfortable solution for prosthetics. The mission spoke to me and I immediately checked out their website for pattern and yarn information.The list of approved yarns (tested for both durability and softness against sensitive skin) lets you know you are providing something that last and be comfortable. There are also instructional videos on the website, showing you step by step how to knit and crochet the various patterns. 

I’ve been making knockers for about 6 years now, and have been able to donate countless pairs to our local cancer center. Giving back is something very near to my heart, and finding a charity that uses one of my hobbies is an added bonus. The testimonies from the recipients are priceless and knowing that I have helped bring a little comfort during a difficult time for someone makes every stitch worth it!

Visit their website (www.knittedknockers.org) for more information and get started making some knitted knockers today!

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  1. Hi Jenn, Thanks so much for this post. I had no idea that this is a thing, or even possible. I will definitely look further into this and maybe find a charity to send it to in Europe (makes for cheaper shipping 😉)
    Looking forward to your next posts. All the very best.

    1. Thank you, Renate! I know that there are Knitted Knockers organizations in many countries, so I’m sure you can find an outlet. Or, just reach out to a local hospital or cancer treatment center and donate directly!